I have been collecting figures for what seems like years, and so far have completed two 20 figure units of British regulars including officers and NCOs. I have a Captain and Colour-Sergeant to go with these. I have also painted a mounted Melvill and Pulleine figures from Empress along with an old Foundry Officer that looks very much like Chelmsford.
I have a unit of mounted and dismounted Auxiliary Cavalry included Carbineers, NMP and BBG with a mounted and dismounted Durnford.
I have just ordered another 20 figures for the start of a second British company; lord knows how long it will take me to paint these!!! This brings me on to my next point. I was given some Games Workshop vouchers for Christmas from a relative, its funny that any relative who knows you like painting toy soldiers naturally think you paint GW! Anyway, I decided that I needed to speed up my red painting, as at the moment the process is a follows;
Base of GW Dark Flesh and GW Blood Red
More Blood Red,
Just Blood Red
Blood Red and Deep Orange
and more!!!
You see it takes ages to paint a red coat in my place!!! Anyway, I thought I would try the new GW paints. I brought the new Red range and using a 3 layer system am very pleased with the results. I will post a WIP shot of a horrible Foundry Brit figure, just to show the red.
I've waffled on for long enough so will leave you with some more figures.
All of these figures are from the excellent Empress range of figures. I will try and take some unit pictures over the weekend and get these posted.
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